On Nature

Walking the Property Line

I ventured out one day in an effort to survey
The property I called mine. Filled with pride
That my life could be measured somehow by
The number of Maples, Birches, and Pines.
But as I continued my journey, I began to
Recognize the shallowness of such thoughts.

The truth is I am simply this cycle’s inhabitant
Of this parcel of Earth’s crust — A mere caretaker
Of Mother Earth’s prodigies. An Executor, if you will,
Of her everlasting Trust — Allowed to breathe in the sweet
Smell of the Pine. And to possess the sublime feelings attached
To this strip of land bequeathed to me by those who came before
Flocking here from distant shores seeking liberty —
fleeing from Tyranny.

Sadly, too often we did not understand that this land needed
To be shared not taken. That there was much to be learned from
Those who also came upon this land in their migration.
Who too confronted the age-old dilemma of living in peace with
Others who also challenged their right to reap the treasures which
Mother Earth had placed before them.

Indeed, the further I walked the property line, the more I began
To understand that my original claim of ownership had to be tempered
By my membership in the club of humanity. But one of many Earth’s
Citizens trying to fulfill our individual missions. It only re-enforced
My commitment to protect Earth’s spectacular beauty — It was my
Duty for those who come after.

What a privilege, I thought, it is to walk the property line.